
Capability to Aspire and Transformative Institutions: An Introduction

  • Publication
  • 14.11.2024
  • Deliverable

Introduction by Jean-Michel Bonvin and Bénédicte Zimmerman

The special issue , Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, pursues two complementary purposes: firstly, it aims to stimulate the conceptual discussion on the capability to aspire; secondly, it seeks to deliver original empirical field research findings on how institutions contribute to enhance or hamper people’s capability to aspire, which appears to be a crucial issue for people with fewer personal, economic and educational resources. This is also crucial in relation to the issue of citizens’ decreasing trust and participation in institutions: the gap between what institutions have to offer and citizens’ expectations is certainly an important explanatory factor in this respect. The special issue explores whether and how institutions redesigned along the aim of promoting citizens’ capability to aspire, to voice their aspirations and to realise them, could contribute to
narrow this gap and enhance citizens’ trust in the institutions and participation
in the economy and society.


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